9 Best Marketing Books of 2010

2010 was a good year for marketing books even without perennial favorite Seth Godin who switched to the self-help category with Linchpin. I was able to read more marketing books this year thanks to the Kindle app for the iPod Touch which allowed me to have access to my digital library from anywhere. I think The Referral Engine was my favorite marketing book of 2010 because there were a lot of actionable insights that I could use in my business immediately. Here are the Best Marketing Books 2010top 9 marketing books that I read in 2010.

The Referral Engine by John Jantsch
John Jantsz, who is the creator of the successful Duct Tape Marketing blog, podcast, and book explains how small business owners can develop a system to increase referrals. There are lots of great examples of businesses that have been very creative in creating a sales force from their own customers.

Flip the Funnel by Joesph Jaffe
Argues why customer retention should become the new customer acquisition as the basis of a successful marketing strategy.

Switch by Chip and Dan Heath
This followup book to Made to Stick was compelling through its use of great stories to explain effective ways to change people’s behavior.

Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead by David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan
What can marketers learn from one of the most successful touring bands of all-time? Apparently a lot, if you read this book. Online marketing experts David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan share these lessons while also featuring other innovative marketers as examples.

The Upside of Irrationality by Dan Ariely
Dan Ariely, one of the most brilliant economists of our time, continues his discussion of irrational human behavior in this followup to the great book Predictably Irrational.

The 24-Hour Customer by Adrian Ott
Examines the use of time as a major factor in consumer buying decisions and how marketers can use time, or lack thereof, to their advantage.

Marketing in the Age of Google by Vanessa Fox
Presents a strategic overview of search engine optimization without getting too far into the technical aspects. Definitely the best book to read to get a good grasp of SEO fundamentals.

Content Rules by CC Chapman and Ann Handley
Discusses how to build great content at a company and use this as an effective marketing tool.

Branding Basics for Small Business by Maria Ross
This is an excellent book on branding principles with tons of great examples of businesses that have developed strong brands by doing branding right. Although intended for a small business audience, I found that the book had great takeaways that could be applied to any size company.

Other books that I had on my list of books to read from 2010.

UnMarketing by Scott Stratten

Real-Time Marketing and PR by David Meerman Scott

Opportunity Screams by Tom Asacker

The Little Big Things by Tom Peters

ProBlogger by Darren Rowse

Engage by Brian Solis

Fascinate by Sally Hogshead

Do you have any recommended marketing books from 2010. Please leave them in the comments!

Full Disclosure: I received a review copy of The 24-Hour Customer.