Best Marketing Podcasts for 2008

marketing podcasts
Seth Godin doesn’t think podcasts are that great because you can’t browse 300 in minutes with an RSS feeder, but I am a big fan of podcasts because you can’t read a blog while you are stuck in traffic. Studies have shown that the least happiest part of the day is during our commute to work. Make yourself happier and smarter by listening to some of these top marketing podcasts.

Here are my updated rankings for the best marketing podcasts for 2008.

#9 Across the Sound

#8 Marketing Voices

#7 The Brand Show

#6 The Hook

#5 Duct-Tape Marketing

#4 Brand Fast-Trackers

#3 BeanCast

#2 Marketing Over Coffee

#1 Podtini

Other Good Business Podcasts:
APM Marketplace
HBR Ideacast
The Cranky Middle Manager
Wall street Journal This Morning
Time Business Podcasts
Business Week Cover Stories
Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders
Knowledge at Wharton

image source: Andrew

4 thoughts on “Best Marketing Podcasts for 2008”

  1. Wow, my little show is between the WSJ and Harvard Business Review…. thanks for letting one cranky little guy run with the big dogs. Don’t let the weasels get you down!!!

    Wayne Turmel “The Cranky Middle Manager Show”

  2. Ditto what John said, even though he beat me! 😉 Considering I just started The BeanCast in April of 2008, I find it gratifying to be ranked so favorably and in such good company.

    Thanks for the plug!


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