Why To Be Nice

I came across a cool book entitled The Power of Nice by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval which argues that it pays to be nice. The authors are executives of Kaplan Thaler Group, a billion dollar advertising agency built on the foundation of kindness. Authors like Al Ries and Jack Trout have compared marketing … Read more

If I Wrote the MBA program…

these would be on the course reading list. (Marketing Focus) All Marketers are Liars Seth GodinBlink Malcom Gladwell Blue Ocean Strategy W. Chan Kim, RenĂ©e MauborgneThe World is Flat Thomas Friedman Selling the Invisible Harry Beckwith Winning with People John Maxwell Leadership Challenge James Kouzes Never Eat Alone Keith FerrazziBuzz Marketing Mark Hughes Small is … Read more

Seth Strikes Back

In the highly enjoyable book Small is the New Big, Seth Godin strikes back against corporate America. In today’s world large companies are too conformed, too unauthentic, too uncaring, too conservative, and too used to the status quo, to paraphrase the book. Instead of a typical book format, Seth uses a blog like format, with … Read more

Jack Trout's Survival Guide

Jack Trout is one of the greatest marketing thinkers of our time. Though the title is somewhat threatening, Differentiate or Die, describes the secret stuff that any successful product or service must have. The low cost strategy doesn’t work because your competition is often willing to out bid you even if they die with you. … Read more

How to Think Without Thinking

I really enjoyed Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcom Gladwell. The book chronicles our brain’s impeccable ability to comprehend a tremendous amount of environmental data in an instant, often without us even knowing it. Gladwell describes a marriage counselor who could predict whether a couple would be together in 15 years by … Read more