Feature Interview

To listen to an outstanding interview on the changing marketing environment check out The Brand Fast-Trackers interview with David Verklin. David has extrodinary passion and enthusiasm for his field, which I’m sure has helped him become CEO of the largest media placement company.

Just a few of of the nuggets of marketing from the interview…

-There has been more change in the past few years in advertising than there has been in the past 60.

-The marketing mix of the future is like the tiles on your shower floor, there are many different pieces.

-We can’t let ads be preloaded on online videos because it disrupts the user experience.

-Aperture marketing is providing a highly relevant product at the optimal time and place, like selling umbrellas at the subway on a rainy day.

-Gaming is going to be huge. Mobile marketing is going to be huge.

-Curiosity, ethusiasm, and communication skills are keys to success in the agency business.

Definitely check out The Brand Fast-Trackers Podcast which has the best marketing interviews on the internet.