If I Wrote the MBA program…

these would be on the course reading list. (Marketing Focus)

All Marketers are Liars Seth Godin
Blink Malcom Gladwell
Blue Ocean Strategy W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne
The World is Flat Thomas Friedman
Selling the Invisible Harry Beckwith
Winning with People John Maxwell
Leadership Challenge James Kouzes
Never Eat Alone Keith Ferrazzi
Buzz Marketing Mark Hughes
Small is the New Big Seth Godin
Differentiate or Die Al Ries

Write your own MBA reading list and post it here!

1 thought on “If I Wrote the MBA program…”

  1. Hey there,

    Your list is excellent. I would add Joe Calloway’s Becoming a Category of One.

    It’s brilliant and an engaging read.


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