How to Find Niche Low Competition Keywords Using Long Tail Pro

Starting a website or a blog is tough enough. Getting your content found on Page 1 on any given search engine is even tougher.

It becomes very clear that keyword research and leveraging the right keywords is critical towards optimizing your website or blog post.

The next question then becomes which keywords are the right ones we should use?  

Why Selecting Low Competitive Keywords Are Important

Paying attention to your keyword strategy will not only accelerate your SEO strategy but will indicate to users that your content is highly relevant based on the SERP page.

However, certain keywords are more valuable than others based on your niche. As a result, the keyword competitiveness could be very high making it difficult for your content to be found.

By refocusing on less competitive keywords that may not have as high monthly traffic volume may be a winning strategy for your niche. By optimizing these particular keywords still delivers relevant content to a potentially highly engaged audience.    

Keyword Research Takes Time

There are several tools that are available to you to start researching keywords. One free tool is the Google Keyword Planner. Once you input the desired keywords it will generate several keyword results. They are pretty basic but do provide a baseline on what you should focus on. Additionally, it enables you to broaden your search by timeline, keyword suggestions, language and location. The downside is that you will have to download the results so you don’t lose your work.

Fortunately, there is a tool called LongTailPro that would not only help save you hours of keyword research but also does more such as showing who your competitors are on the SERP Page 1.

This is perfect especially for niche bloggers that prefer speed and accuracy.

Let’s get started.

#1 – Login / Create an Account

You can create an account here: LongTailPro Login

 #2 – Setting Up the Search Criteria

·   Step 1 – Create a Project Name for your search

·   Step 2 – Insert your website URL for LTP domain authority strength analysis

·   Step 3 – Input keywords you are considering for your niche

For this example, we will be focusing on “Macro Nutrition for Fitness Mommies”.

Please note your website may have a higher Domain Authority than the website that was provided. The 25 – 30 target keyword competitiveness, in this example, would indicate the optimal range we should target our keyword selection.  

#3 – Analyzing the Keyword Research Results

The initial results had over 350 keyword results pull up.

LongTailPro will allow you to sort by column based on how you want to view the results. In this example, we sorted the results by the monthly traffic volume.

One of our desired keywords “macros nutrition” came up with an average keyword difficulty of 42 but had a monthly traffic volume of approximately 33,100. The downside with using these keywords would be since they are outside our optimal range of 25-30 that it may be difficult to get on Page 1.

However, if we were to use “mommy and me yoga”, these keywords are well in our target range with a good traffic volume of approximately 2,900. However, our focus was on nutrition thus may be outside our initial objective.

#4 – Deep Dive Analysis

Despite the initial results may indicate, LongTailPro will pull up the websites/blogs that are on Page 1 based on the desired keywords such as “macros nutrition”. The secondary results analysis revealed more promising results, based on our keyword target range.

  • Website #1 is a blog post with very little Domain Authority based on Domain Trust Flow (TF), Citation Flow (CF), # of External Backlinks and Domain Keyword Competitiveness. This would be a good website to target for their Page 1 ranking.
  • Website #2 is similar to the above. This would also be another option to target.

#5 – Finding the Optimal Keywords

Due to the user-friendly experience of LongTailPro, you don’t have to settle or stop your research. By resorting by Keyword Competitiveness (KC) we quickly see an opportunity. If you recall that our primary topic was “Macro Nutrition for Fitness Mommies”, we could leverage these particular keywords and integrate it with Macro Nutrition. It has the perfect combination of low competitiveness and good traffic volume which equates to highly relevant content for these users and they are more likely to engage!   

#6 – Ideal Keyword Results Combo

A quick deep dive analysis indicates if the content is optimized for these keywords you may see a quicker way to attain Page 1 rankings within search engines.


Finding the optimal keywords using LongTailPro will enable you to:

  1. Save you hours on keyword research
  2. Quickly determine which words you should use to optimize your website/blog
  3.  Accelerate your website/blog to attain Page 1 rankings within search engines.

I hope this will help you achieve the results you always desired.

About the Author:

Trinidad Aguirre is a strategic digital marketing consultant with over two decades of leadership and management experience. His marketing consulting services has led him to work with SMB entrepreneur’s to global senior leadership teams helping bring the “art of possible” to life with data driven strategies and operational excellence.