12 Great Definitions of Marketing

“Getting someone, who has a need, to know, like and trust you.” -John Jantsch

“The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.” -Peter Drucker

“Marketing is about communicating true value and significance to your audience.”  –Ian Lurie

“Marketing is telling a story about that value that resonates with people enough that they want to give you money.” -Seth Godin’s Startup School podcast

“Attracting attention and building demand for what you’ve created.” -Josh Kaufman in The Personal MBA

“Marketing is the act of connecting customers to products.” -Jeremiah Owyang

“The profitable getting and keeping of good customers.” -Jeffery J. Fox in How to Become a Marketing Superstar

“Marketing is the process by which companies create customer interest in goods or services.” -Wikipedia

“Marketing is the process of anticipating, managing, and satisfying the demand for products, services, and ideas.” -Wharton Business School

“The purpose of marketing is to create and keep customers while making selling superfluous.” -Tom Asacker

“Marketing is every bit of contact your company has with anyone in the outside world.” -Jay Conrad Levinson in Guerrilla Marketing

“Marketing is the pervasive set of activities that attempt to influence individual or organizational choice.” -Laura Adams in the MBA Working Girl Podcast

Creative Commons photo by mastermaq

1 thought on “12 Great Definitions of Marketing”

  1. WOW, All great comments, in particular: “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.” -Peter Drucker. This is our philosophy, although we have branded it Pay Per Sale, it is in essence marketing that makes selling superfluous. A great marketer is worth his weight in gold or better.

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