Marketing Over Coffee host Christopher S. Penn shared 18 tips for social media and email integration in this free webinar from Marketing Profs (registration required). You can sign up to view the recorded webinar here.
Key Takeaways from the webinar:
-Figure out who you are in 140 characters or less. This statement should guide your content strategy.
-Customers are constantly tuned into WIIFM: what’s in it for me?
-Your email has to be valuable.
-Your email should make people laugh, learn something, or love you.
-Those who give first win.
-Put social profile buttons in your email.
-A top reason people unsubscribe to email is because they receive too much email.
-Give people an incentive to share your content.
-You don’t actually own any of your social media properties.
-Promote your email newsletter on your social media profiles.
-You can no longer force someone through a “Like” gate on Facebook.
-Gmail is starting to look at email open metrics to determine spam.
Creative commons photo courtesy of Todd Van Hoosear